Revelation II

Written by Prophet Cæsar

Late at night, it was

As I looked into the stars.

The sky was all abuzz

The shining light of stars.

Off to sleep, I slipped

Towards revelations that persist.

Sweltering heat,

Noir cloth,

Toward the stands, ahead we doth

Towards the future, as we trudge

Time drags us along as it runs.

“Graduation,” as it’s called

Towards our futures, all of which appal

Us as we’re led to uncertainty

The looming, distant entity

Of the future, what shall happen

To our souls, shall they all dampen

With the liquid of despair

And blow away into thin air?

Alas, I saw him, alight, he was

As much as the stars which extended above.

Petrello, he was

Our God-on-Earth

With a heart as warm as a burning hearth

He spoke to me, and as he did

I was cleansed of all actions sordid.

“Cæsar!” He spoke,

And my senses awoke,

“Fear not tomorrow!

“Instead, ye shall borrow

“Some patience of mine!

“Aye, ‘tis hard

“To leave me behind,

“But do not discard

“These teachings of mine!”

Astonished, I was,

For I truly knew now

That Petrello is teaching

The children of tomorrow.

Should we never see him,

in his own flesh,

We still shall perceive him

Within the mesh

Of the souls of the students

To whom he gave prudence,

For he is within them,

And within us, too.